Kimberly Wetzel

Kimberly Wetzel grew up in rural North Dakota and moved to Minneapolis, where she currently resides, to receive her Bachelor of Fine Arts in Painting in 2017. She creates work addressing her personal experiences of continual change, feeling unstable while searching for familiarity. Her work explores shifting states of consciousness, how memory dictates the present, and the flux of an overwhelmed mind. Seeking a mixture of gestural abstraction and representation, she creates work that leale room for the viewer to engage with the formal and material qualities of the painting first before an image appears.


Continual (2016)

charcoal on paper, 40x30 in

Gone Fishing (2016)

charcoal on paper, 30x40 in

What Remains (2016)

charcoal on paper, 40x30 in

Austria (2016)

charcoal on paper, 40x30 in

Patience (2016)

charcoal on paper, 30x40 in

June 12th (2016)

charcoal on paper, 40x30 in