yag/garage online

esibizione di artisti cileni


novembre 2019




esibizione di artisti cileni

YAG/garage online


Nel novembre 2019, la galleria d’arte YAG/garage di Pescara ha ospitato il progetto intitolato Young African Art-Languages ​​beyond borders, una residenza con mostra finale che ha coinvolto sei giovani artisti provenienti dal continente africano. L'esperienza è stata estremamente positiva e ci ha motivati ​​fin da subito a continuare l’esplorazione di mondi artistici lontani. La rottura epocale dello scenario e delle abitudini dovuta al lockdown ci ha spinti a cercare nuove strategie per incontrare artisti e culture di tutto il mondo. Da qui il progetto YAG/garage online che prevede mostre semi-virtuali che coinvolgono autori da tutto il pianeta. Il format è nuovo: agli artisti selezionati verrà chiesto di presentare opere che saranno esposte in spazi virtuali. Tali opere saranno valutate da una giuria qualificata, sempre tramite interazioni online. Le opere vincitrici vengono acquistate dalla galleria ed esposte nella YAG/garage di Pescara, in una mostra che raccoglierà diversi eventi online YAG/garage.


evaluation jury

Ivan D'Alberto was born in Pescara in 1979. He is a historian and contemporary art critic, now He is the director of the YAG/garage. He was the director of the Museum of Contemporary Art of Nocciano, Pescara (2009-2012). He has collaborated with the Dartmouth University (Massachusetts, USA), with the University of Ferrara, the University of Chieti and the Academy of Fine Arts in L'Aquila. He taught Art Marketing at the Academy of Fine Arts in Naples. Since 2011 he has been curator of CORPO - Festival of Performing Arts and founder of the Archiving and Promotion Center of Performing Art in Pescara. He curated several exhibitions including MadeinAbruzzo: ricerche regionali di video-arte (Milan, 2011), Integumenta Angelii: utili ammaestramenti per l’anima e per il corpo (Rome, 2013), audĭentĭa - città in ascolto (Rome 2014) and several events outside the Biennale (CORPO 2015, Vitraria Glass + A Museum, Venice 2015, CORPO 2017, Island of San Servolo, Venice 2017, Young Artist in the hotel, Island of San Servolo, Venice 2019). He has been collaborating with several trade magazines including Artribune, Juliet Art Magazine and Rivista Segno. He published several books including CORPO estraneo/straniero. Storia delle Arti Performative in Abruzzo (Verdone editions, 2015), Il terzo occhio (PrimeVie editions, 2015), Tutto è iniziato prima (Di Felice editions, 2017), the acts of conference Il corpo che abito. Identità di genere e suoi transiti. Analisi dei linguaggi performativi contemporanei (Nicomp L. E. editions, Florence 2016).


Silvio Maresca was born in Teramo in 1961 and graduated in Political Science at the University "Alma Mater Studiorum" of Bologna.  He is general manager of Bluserena S.p.A., a leading hotel company in Italy. He is the CEO of Carlo Maresca S.p.A., a group that has been active for forty years in the tourist accommodation, residential and commercial real estate sectors and, since 2010, in the renewable energy sector. He is also administrator of Terme di Torre Canne S.R.L., a Spa establishment accepted by the italian national health system, and chairman of My.Ho Casa S.R.L., a tourist company that offers the widespread apartment as a new model of accommodation. In the non-profit sector, he founded and preside over the social promotion association Etipublica, which manages and participates in projects aimed at promoting public debate (Proversi.it), open government (Openpolis), and the analysis of the regional public debate (promisechecking.it). Through the company Bluserena S.p.A. since 2009 Silvio Maresca supports Permicro, a microcredit agency, with the opening of offices in Pescara, Palermo and Lecce.  In 2018 he started the "Migrants project", which offers training and integration programmes in his companies for migrants (under which the UNHCR, United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees, awarded the company the "Welcome. Working for refugee integration"). His interest in the world of art led him in 2017, through Carlo Maresca S.p.A., to create the project "I Giardini d'arte di via Caravaggio", a competition open to young artists from various Italian Academies of Fine Arts, which includes the exhibition of their works in the gardens of the company headquarters in Pescara. In 2018 "I Giardini d’arte di via Caravaggio" were joined by YAG (Young Art Gallery), a project aimed at enhancing and promoting young artists, of which Silvio Maresca is founder and administrator.


Maurizio Coccia was born in Pavia and  currently lives in Trevi. He was director of the Trevi Flash Art Museum, now  he is director of the Center for Contemporary Art Palazzo Lucarini in Trevi. He is an independent critic and curator, consultant for numerous institutions for public art, architecture and museum education. He teaches History of Contemporary Art and History of Art Criticism at the Academy of Fine Arts in L'Aquila. He also teaches History of Art Criticism at the Academy of Fine Arts in Perugia. Maurizio Coccia is a member of the steering committee of the Parol - Quaderni d’arte e di epistemologia magazine. He published Una rivoluzione non richiesta (2014, Aracne Editore) and Cesare Cesariano. Ricomposizione di un problema critico (2015, Aracne Editore), as well as Il leone imbrigliato. Artisti Istituzoni Pubblico (2019, Castelvecchi). His texts can be found in books published by Gangemi, Gli Ori, Postmedia Books and others. In 2016, he held a set in the scientific committee which was responsible for the Italian Pavilion for the Architecture Biennale in Venice.


Alessandra Arnò is artist, curator, media art lecturer, creative advisor. Co-founder and art director of Visualcontainer Italian Videoart Platform (b.2008) which includes the first Italian video art Distributor (b.2008), VisualcontainerTV International Videoart web channel (b. 2009) and [.BOX] Videoart Project Space based in Milan (b. 2010). Since 2008 as Art Director, curator and researcher on these projects focused on audiovisual experimental practices and new media researches, I have been working on cultural exchanges programs with international festivals, museums, universities and public and independent art organizations from all over the world, also representing and curating more than 80 Italian and international artists of Visualcontainer distributor. Often, invited for lectures and talks about video art, new media, audiovisual distributing field and digital media curatorial paths. As a multimedia artist, since 2000, my research is currently evolving into the new digital media aesthetic and philosophical scenarios based on media, plus art theories based on the visual culture that working with video libraries and collective memories. The other side of my research is theoretical based on the representation of the media as itself. Since 2014 I teach Multimedia Languages, Theories of the Audiovisual and Mass Media, and Theories of creative video-editing to the European Academy of Fine Art of Media (ACME) Novara, Italy, and as a guest lecturer in many university and academy in Italy and abroad.


Maila Buglioni (Rome, 1982) lives in Rome and works as an art historian and curator. After completing her master's degree in History of Contemporary Art at La Sapienza University of Rome, she attended an internship as a didactic operator at the MAXXI Educational Service. She also worked with Barbara Martusciello for the Book Corner Arti which was promoted by Art A Part of Cult(ure) and of the URBAN MEMORIES Street Art Festival in Gaeta and Terracina (2013), as well as the Cinica Gallery project of Palazzo Lucarini Contemporary in Trevi. She was a member of the curatorial collective ARTNOISE that was responsible for the creation and curation of various exhibitions, projects and web-magazine (http://www.artnoise.it/). Furthermore, she collaborated with various specialized magazines from the art industry and took part in the residency for curators a,m,o - arte, Marche, edition 0, the biennial event dedicated to culture and contemporary art organized by the Sponge ArteContemporanea association in Pergola. Maila Buglioni is the creator and curator of the APPIA ANTICA ART PROJECT exhibition project, notable for its unique programme that introduced an innovative concept utilizing sites of urban stretch along the Appian Way. She also curated a significant number of exhibitions for emerging artists all over the country and herself too had a wide range of exhibitions as an artist, some of them are: the project La Grande Illusione (curated by Manuela De Leonardis at the Gallery of Art of Temple University Rome), the inaugural exhibition Portafortuna of Spazio Y (Rome), the WOW! (curated by the artistic collective 100% contemporary). In 2019, she participated in the convention General States of Art and Contemporary Art Education in Abbruzzo - Center / Periphery / Center organized by the ABAQ in L'Aquila. Maila Buglioni collaborates and writes for printed edition of Rivista Segno  and she is also the chief editor of Segnonline.


Verónica Pérez, Stgo - Chile 1973. She is a designer in visual communication, microsculpture modeller and manager of design and art projects. She studied in Chile at the UTEM University and at the Arte e Mestieri and Callegari Institute in Italy. She had had the possibility for several years to develop and grow in Art Group studio; a company dedicated to the artistic and original piece in a jewelery sector. Her interest in small objects and sculpture has led her to specialize in various areas of aesthetics, form, and volume. She worked in teaching in positions of manufacturing processes, design and specific techniques to develop later his independent project VeroPé studio. @joyas­­_verope. She shown her work at various Fairs and Galleries in Latin America, Europe and the US. Some exhibition: 2011 Quiltro - Museo Palacio de la Moneda - Santiago, Chile; 2012 Quiltro - Museo Nicolás Hernandez - Buenos Aires, Argentina; 2013 Delirio y Cordura - Museo Artes Decorativas - Recoleta Dominica, Chile; 2013 Delirio y Cordura - Velvet da Vinci - San Francisco, USA; 2014 Aureus Feeling - Sala Suecia 26 Banco Itaú - Santiago, Chile; 2015 Anemone Collection - Ch.ACO - Contemporary Art Fair - Santiago, Chile; 2016 Aureus Feeling - Creativity Oggetti Gallery - Turin, Italy; 2016 VeroPé Collection - SIERAAD Art Fair - Amsterdam, Holland; 2017 Bubbles Collection - Creativity Oggetti Gallery - Turin, Italy; 2017 Bubbles Collection - A-Quadraat Gallery - Vorden, Holland; 2018 VeroPé Collection - Pura Joya - Santiago, Chile; 2019 Showroom VeroPé - El golf, Las Condes - Santiago Chile; 2020 PANDEMIA WORD-La Forma del Vacío.